
tIMe tO...

i will stay in Tokyo for 3 weeks.  i am ready for studying but it will make me tough. Just do my best.

Miss all my friends living in Nagoya but i am excited to see all my friends living in Tokyo!

All mY mUSic friends! 


sOmE ThINg NeW

新しい 遊び方を教えてもらったよ。



7/28(sat) @KDjapon アーティスト: 一ノ瀬大悟デュオ(Gt & Bass) 竜巻太郎(Dr)×CazU(Gt)デュオ、 ソウルオルガンブガルー(Org, Sax & Dr)

7/28(sat) @KDjapon

 アーティスト: 一ノ瀬大悟デュオ(Gt & Bass) 
ソウルオルガンブガルー(Org, Sax & Dr) 

楽しかった!3バンド インストで気持ちよかった!!!




bE sToRonG

I wanna be "STRONG" that i have thought since i was 20. must be strong. I compared with another' and said something good more than another's. i tried and tried... One day, i realized that i have to be myself then i stopped to compare and i am to be quiet. At the same time, i have stopped to spread somebody's slander. In my theory, if i said some thing bad, it will be back to me. i am trying to not say anything bad. The other hand, i am trying to be quiet then it makes me feel bad it means "stress" or "depressed". a couple days ago, i was totally freaked out. i don't wanna mess anything that was my reason but i messed myself. this is too bad. i was not able to make smile at all. i realized that i gotta say some what i feel or think. i always think that i wanna make people happy. Luckily, I have a good friends. they listened me and gave me advise. i really appreciated. but i still not feel good. 

Anyway, i went to Jazz club tonight. The singer sang the song "You've got a friend".It is not too much to say that the singer sang it for me. i got tears. 

she said....
love yourself,
love each other,
love your friends,
look after yourself
'cause you've got friend!

i love all my friends! Yes, I got friends! Thank you for inviting this show for me. Music always makes me STRONG!




7/28(sat)ライブ@K.D Japon鶴舞

Soul Organ Boogaloo
オルガン:島崎 出
ドラム:小幡 智也
サックス:青木 尚子








一ノ瀬大悟デュオ(Gt & Bass)


ソウルオルガンブガルー(Org, Sax & Dr)


K・D ハポン (ケーディ・ハポン)
TEL (052)251-0324
e-mail kdjapon@gmail.com



control my self

it is very calm and quiet in the morning like my feeling. i was trying to conceal my inward agitation. it was something like i disappointed in love.

everything is a human being. 

everyone thinking or feeling some is right. nobody make a mistake. so what we have to do next is thinking each other. When your mind is one way, it is difficult to think about people.this is normal what happened. It will fix this happened by natural consequence. i guess everybody has gotten tired from their life. i will wait .... i won't miss anything. the reason is just one. 

this is "LOVE"....



tAkinG a ResT

I cleaned my room up and did my laundry today... it had been so busy but all done! "Yesterday" was a great day. there were so many people came by our concert more than i expected even i had noticed that would not take a reservation from last wednesday.i was really happy that i could met many friends who i can't see them regularly. i could have feel something like confidence what  i am doing and thinking now. Everything goes very well. Also i have learned a lot of things. i failed sometimes but people who surround me are tell me which way i have to go. i believe my friends. Believe myself,too.

Life goes on...

don't go in hurry, take your time and see what happening infront of you.

hate a rumor, hate to say something bad, believe what i see and hear.
share my good things. make everybody happy.

always have to have GOAL!




it has been busy for the concert  for saxophone quartet. we had a great time with our audiences at Gifu. Unfortunately, it was raining day but there were many people to come by. we really appreciated to people who come by and always take care of us. Especially. the owner of Jack and Betty where we had a performance. there have nice cups of coffee and meals. our pianist having a breakfast at there was jealous!! it was looking good! Yum! 

Anyway, we still have one more performance at NAGOYA!
Almost full of seats! ASAP making a reservation!

see you at there!